"Then who are you going to increase your anger?" Jinyu wry smile way

Oscar language sees that the four babies on the other side are all in stealth…

And a large part of the reason why he came here was the reward-blessing oil!

When Sophie Su heard from Liu Rushi that Longting people entrusted the oil of blessing…

Novice wristband class g

Defensive power 3 There are two branches of Shixia branch line here, of course, even…

He said that you can break my body and occupy my heart, and teach me to practice martial arts! "

With a slight frown, Pang Xia didn't struggle with the Lu Xiaofeng problem, because after…

He was an ordinary guard, but he didn’t care.

However, when he stepped towards the palace again, the two guard sabers turned into a…

It is also because of this that Hyū ga Hizashi feels that the life of the young field can be saved

After all, he and Lu have been very good for a long time. If the…